After the stress fracture in June I recovered and began to run again. Building up mileage too quickly caused plantar fasciitis in both feet. Went to the doctor and she discovered a hip alignment issue where my left hip is tilted back, causing my left leg to be shorter than my right. This likely caused the fracture, as the impact with each footfall on the left is greatly exaggerated due to the leg length discrepancy. Thus the Dick Deadeye reference.
This was good information to have, and frankly, makes a lot of sense. Any time I have had little aches or pains they have always occurred on my left leg. The doctor prescribed physical therapy, and I have undergone 14 sessions and am pleased to report that the hip seems to be stable and my legs are now equal in length. So, sorry to say, the freak show is over and a return to normal running is underway. Dick Deadeye is dead.
That said, the return has been slow. The plantar fasciitis, while slightly better, is still present. Manageable, but it is preventing me from true speedwork or hill repeats. Despite this, it is great to be moving again and building up some modest miles. Saturday was my first run at Oak Mountain in over four months, and it is hard to express how enjoyable it was to be back in the woods after a long absence.
Not sure what racing plans are in store, as it will largely be dictated by how quickly the PF disappears. I’ll be crewing/pacing for Andon Briggs at the Pinhoti 100 in a few weeks. Looking forward to helping Andon through his first 100. He’ll do great! I’m hoping to be back in full form by spring, but in the meantime, I’ll enjoy being out in this great weather and will look forward to the winter, my favorite season for running in Alabama!
Verse: Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. - 1 Peter 4: 10-11